04 November 2006

Welcoming myself back

Since I'm halfway through my story, I thought I'd mention the other thing that got me back here after way too many months of slacking: it's all Jefferson's fault. One Life, Take Two is perhaps the greatest single influence on why I decided to start writing more seriously last winter. Not only is it one of the best-written sex blogs around, it is, for my money, the hottest. Bar none. (We're not worthy, Jefferson!)

So when I saw Jefferson mention his listing in About.com's best bisexual blogs, I was interested, of course. How could any listing of our little community have Jefferson only listed fifth?

Imagine my surprise, then, to see that I was listed second! Clearly, there was some other odd method of sorting in order...me, at #2? I'm delighted, of course, but realized that I had an obligation to you, gentle readers, so here I am.

Last time I checked in, I was at a couple of hundred hits. And half of those were me double-checking my early post formatting. I come back to see 5,000+, and think "Well sheeit, I've got me some writing' to do!"

So here I am, back at it, and wondering why the hell I stayed away. I'm just hoping you don't. Because some of this is going to be pretty damn good, and there's definitely more on the way. Both figuratively and literally, more to come.


Blogger Adam said...

Thanks, Harley. No excuse for being away, and the reasons don't much matter. But as I've started writing again, I realize how much I enjoy doing it. It's certainly a different kind of outlet for me!

06 November, 2006 11:10  

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