31 March 2006

Spring Break = Too Much Telly

Write long-overdue papers? Nope.

Post here? Nope.

Get ahead on stuff at work? Nope.

Watch too much teevee? You betcha.

My cable company has DVRs (the poor man's TiVo) available. With dinner getting ready 2 minutes into the Sopranos season premiere, I decided that being tied to the broadcast schedule (even with many replays each week) was no longer tenable. Spoiled, aren't we?

So I went the next day to pick up the DVR. Now I'm hooked. It's not so much that I'm watching things I wouldn't watch otherwise...it's more that I don't have to either catch them live or juggle a limited amount of VHS space. The latest: "Producing Adults," a Finnish film from 2004. Granted, it was on Logo, with commercials, but even those are now less of a nuisance, being so easily skippable.

Part two: I'm finally online at home! Dragged out the old Airport (Apple's wireless modem hub) and got DSL. Now if I could just bring myself to actually read the last 3 weeks' worth of e-mails, I'd really be getting somewhere.

Anyway, that's where I've been, gentle reader. Oh, and finding a couple new people/sites worth your attention:

Trust me, check them both out.

And I'll try to get back to all those posts promised a month ago. Yeah, I know. Promises, promises...


Blogger Dee Jour said...

geez, a month!
I'm jealous. Our networks here (free to air, not cable) screwed up the Sopranos, so much so that so many episodes were delayed, timing was off, everything you could imagine. I'd get cable here but, bloody hell, I'd still be channel surfing (I had it years ago and it drove me mad with films repeating every so often).

01 April, 2006 07:51  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Found your site via another blog. Like what I am reading!

03 April, 2006 13:03  
Blogger Will Belegon said...

Adam, where the hell have you been? I have news for you...oh, and I'll gladly check out those recommendations...

04 April, 2006 00:19  

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