30 July 2005


As in, "Let's unpack this new paradigm shift so we can think outside the box." Gopod, I don't miss the corporate world.

First, "Berkeley." Not much to say there. I'm a lifelong Californian (originally from the "other" part of the state), and have been in the Bay Area over a decade. Started in SF with my first wife, then moved to the East Bay with my next (and present) wife, back to SF, and back over, to Berkeley, 2 years ago. Given my druthers, I'd still have a place in Baghdad-by-the-Bay, but living near downtown Berkeley ain't bad, I tell you.

Let's skip to "Boy." Not "boi," mind you. Just "boy." I suppose it's a bit odd for someone in his late 30s to refer to himself as a boy, but there you have it. (And I call groups of people "kids," and my closest lesbian friends "girls," so I'm an equal opportunity infantilizer.)

Now the best part: "Bi." I never knew such a thing existed, growing up. In my conservative Southern California world, I assumed that if you were attracted to girls, you were straight, and that "gay" meant you had no such interest, and that there was no in-between. So except for a little fooling around, I never had the nerve to follow through on my interest in playing with other penises, even when the opportunity was presented to me on a silver platter. The only sense in which "bisexual" was on my radar was as in "Hot Bi Chicks Do It All!" and the other crappy mainstream porn headlines.

This deserves much more comment and history (and present and future, for that matter), so I'll leave things dangling for the moment. But there's more. Much more.

29 July 2005

Getting started

There's no good, non-clichéd way to kick this off, so I'll just get to it.

I've read blogs for a while—mostly political, and some more personal ones. Never kept a journal in my life (except for a month or so leading up to my 30th birthday, anticipating a divorce), but this is a bit different.

I enjoy writing anyway, and am in a position with lots of unmentionables for both personal and professional reasons. So why not just start putting it out there? You know where I am, and will get to know a bit about me. Hope I make it worth your while and mine, both.